The Luxembourg cathedral choir publishes, as part of its 175th anniversary, certain musical works closely related to religious services. These works by Pol Albrecht, Pierre Barthel, Jean-Pierre Beicht, Heinrich Oberhoffer, Jean-Pierre Schmit and Nicolas Schuh are published in special edition and in collaboration with Luxembourg Music Publishers.
Jean-Pierre Beicht was born on 22.4.1869 in the Grund district of Luxembourg-city. Very early the young man was attracted by music and he also decided very early on to become a professional musician. He began his musical studies at the Luxembourg Conservatory with Johann Anton Zinnen as a teacher. In addition he learned the organ at St. Michael’s Church. Afterwards, he continued his studies in Leipzig. After the death of André Oberhoffer, he obtained the coveted position of organist at Luxembourg Cathedral, a position he would hold for thirty-one years. Until 1908, he also trained the boys who sang in the mixed choir. Since 1904, Jean-Pierre Beicht was a professor at the Athénée. During an operation, he died in Strasbourg on December 22, 1925 and was buried in St. Nicholas Cemetery.