Marcel Reuter is a composer and pianist who focuses on chamber music, a genre that reflects his idea of music as an intimate medium of communication.
His works have been performed at some major music festivals (Salzburger Festspiele, Wien modern, Aspekte Salzburg, Klangspuren Schwaz, Gaudeamus, Ars musica) as well as in Berlin (Konzerthaus, Deutsche Oper), Buenos Aires, Hongkong, London, Montreal, New York, Rome,Tokyo.
They have been commissioned by institutions such as Luxembourg Philharmonie, Vienna Konzerthaus, Netherlands Vocal Laboratorium, Lucilin, Quartet New Generation, KMVL.
Marcel Reuter has held teaching positions at the University of Music in Vienna (2002-2007) and the Conservatoire du Nord in Luxembourg (since 2007). He has lectured at Music Academy Sarajevo, Musikhochschule Freiburg among others.