Roland Wiltgen was born in Differdange/Luxembourg. He started his musical training at the Conservatoire de musique of Esch-sur–Alzette while at the same time pursuing his classical secondary school education. Next steps where the Metz Conservatoire de musique, the Paris Ecole Normale de Musique and finally the Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique.
In 1983 he became a professor for harmony, counterpoint and musical analysis at the Esch-sur-Alzette Conservatoire de musique.
From 1981 he’s been continuously composing and so far he’s produced some 70 pieces many of which have been commissioned and performed by famous musicians.
Here are just some of his most recent pieces :
- Tri-partite for symphony orchestra, a commission from Luxembourg in 2007
- « après la nuit … » concerto for trumpet and strings (2010)
- Voyage to Calicut for a mixed ensemble of 7 Chinese and 7 Western instruments (2012)
- Anatomic views ( on 2 rhythms ) for 2 percussions and piano (2013)
- Three Sonnets by José Maria de Heredia (2015)
- Congress for clarinet choir and wind band (2016)
- Orbital Resonances for symphony orchetra (2018)
Having always played an active part in the consultative bodies of Sacem Luxembourg , he became a founding member and the first president of the Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Auteurs et Compositeurs( FLAC ) in 2014.