For its 175th anniversary the Luxembourg Cathedral choir and Luxembourg Music Publishers took the joint initiative to publish a series of important compositions by its successive conductors. The publication of different works by Heinrich Oberhoffer (1824-1885) will start this initiative.
Oberhoffer was born as the son of a teacher, sexton and organist in the Trierer district Pfalzel. He probably learned the basics of organ playing from his father and then continued on an autodidactic basis. After attending the teacher training college in Brühl, in 1856 he was appointed as a music teacher at the Normal School (the school teacher training college) in Luxembourg, in addition to this office he provided the organ service at the Redemptorist Church. On 1 August 1866 he succeeded the late organist Troes at the cathedral of Luxembourg. In 1868 he took luxembourg nationality.
As a music composer, writer and editor, he was well known beyond the borders of West Germany and Luxembourg; the hymns he wrote remained alive in Luxembourg and much of Germany well into the second half of the 20th century. Already in 1864 Oberhoffer was admitted to the papal Accademia di Santa Cecilia in the section of composers under the member number 4484. As an organist his mastery was quite appreciated as well.